Saturday, January 14, 2017

Inspirational Quote

Claim a better life! You deserve something great in life. You deserve a better fate. Stop accepting unpleasant fate whenever life knocks you down. Reject any form of bad fate life might throw at you. Get on your feet with all your strength and look life in the face that you aren't taking it. You aren't taking failure anymore! Say to life you've failed countless times and learned your lessons.
Declare that henceforth you are ready to live a meaningful, satisfying and successful life for the rest of your life. Let what comes out of your mouth be positive at all times. Stop speaking negative words into your destiny. Stop blaming yourself for your past blunders. Your words create your world.

Always say no more sorrow, no more failure, no more pains, no more backwardness, no more fear, no more abandoning of dreams. Believe that you will fulfill your purpose in life. Let your daily actions and words push you closer and closer to your greatness. You will get there! You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

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