Monday, August 1, 2016

Inspirational Quote

Turn a deaf ear to them! Refuse to listen or respond to unpleasant statements naysayers say about you. Don't let them get to you. You'll never be happy in life if you care about what others think or say about you. Don't allow their words stop you from doing valuable things for yourself. Their opinions and words are capable of making you feel miserable if you dwell or ponder so much on them. Their thoughts or words shouldn't be what define your life. They
know not what you have inside and what you're capable of doing.

They can't see anything good about you and deliberately decide not to believe in you or anything you do. Whenever you do things, they only focus and pick your mistakes. Be thick-skinned to their criticisms. Don't let what they say affect or define you. Ignore them and keep pursuing your dream with passion. They will keep thinking and talking while you keep achieving success. The success you truly deserve.~Tunji Oyedokun

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