Saturday, August 6, 2016

Alert: If You See This Bug, Do Not Let It Get Near You… Actually, Run The Other Way

Centers for Disease, Control and Prevention has recently issued a warning about the dangerous health scare. It is a bug called as triatomine, however, it is commonly referred as ‘kissing bug’. As per the information shared by CDC, it can actually kill a human. You might think what a small bug

The ‘kissing’ bug is really small in nature and looks tiny.
Chagas disease can lead heart problems prevalent in Latin America which has caused the death of many people.The symptoms of this diseases start 2 months upon contracting the infection. The symptoms include headaches, fever, muscle pain, enlarged lymph glands, and issues while breathing. The signs are similar to normal flu which makes it difficult to detect in early stages.
At the point when side effects begin to build up, the tainted individual can get skin sores or a purplish swelling on the eyelids of one eye.
There are two periods of advancement in Chagas malady. The main stage has fewer indications than the second, which for the most part misinforms individuals into accepting they have this season’s cold virus.
Around 10% of suffering,  individuals report digestive issues, though 30% experience heart issues once the second stage creates.
There’s no accessible vaccination for this ailment; however Chagas illness is treatable. On the off chance that the infection is identified early, the treatment is very nearly 100% compelling.
Keeping in mind the end goal to build your defensive measures, the WHO encourages utilizing bug spray to shower your home and keeping up appropriate individual cleanliness, particularly when close sustenance.
In the event that the host rubs the chomp, there’s a higher danger of the malady being spread as the bug ordinarily poos into the nibble, and the fecal matter taints the chomp with the savage parasite.
The northern locales are the main territory of the United States which aren’t in danger, including New England and New York State. So, be aware of this dangerous bug and stay away from it.

Let's Go Healthy 

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