Thursday, July 21, 2016

LOL! Surprise! You've been drinking my breast milk!'

Writing notes on sandwiches or hiding food down the back of the fridge - they've long been a common workplace tactic to ensure your food doesn't fall into the wrong hands. But as one woman found out recently, that doesn't stop everyone.
After discovering that a sneaky colleague had been stealing some 'cream' to add to their morning coffee all week, the woman decided to enjoy the last laugh.
Placing a note on the bottle in the fridge, she let the office thief know that what they were using wasn't cream, but was in fact her very own breastmilk.
Posting a photo of her revenge to Reddit, the unidentified woman clearly enjoyed breaking the news to the unauthorised user that they had got more than they'd bargained for.
'Good morning,' the note pleasantly began. 
'To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week... Surprise!!! 
'You've been drinking my breast milk. Hope you've enjoyed - cheers!'
However the woman, who called herself 'B' in the post and doesn't say where she's from, also had some good news for the milk thief.
She informed them that what they had been adding to their coffee all week had been 'organic' milk, meaning there was 'no worries'.
The photo of the note was also shared to Facebook by popular mother's page Breastfeeding Mama Talk.
The image had received more than 12,000 likes, in excess of 2,500 shares and a mix of reactions from social media users in just three hours.
'I would find out who it was and charge them for the great nutritional supplement they got for free,' one woman wrote. 
'Bet they felt great that week and didn't know why!'
Others said that using breast milk in coffee actually wasn't that unusual.
'If I run out of milk or creamer I use breastmilk - It's seriously the best coffee creamer,' a user wrote.- Daily Mail 

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