Thursday, January 19, 2017

Inspirational Quote

Stick to your guns! Make a decision to keep pursuing what you've envisioned. Resolve within yourself to keep following your dreams seriously without being affected by criticism, unpleasant circumstances, unpleasant past memories and impatience.
Dream of a meaningful and satisfying life and be passionate about making it a reality. Believe in the beauty of your dream and admit that having those great ideas is one of the best things to have happened to you in life. Your dream is an idea or vision that is not real and you must do everything in your capacity to cherish and pursue it to a land of reality if you want to live a fulfilled life.
Make a decision not to keep abandoning your dream because it's yet to yield result. Have patience, persistence and passion for your dream. One of the secrets of success that I have learned is not to keep changing dreams like clothes, but to stay glued to the one you believe in and keep pursuing it till you achieve success in it. You deserve success.~Tunji Oyedokun

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