The women sat down at a table and were originally offered glasses of water, before the owner appeared from the kitchen and said he did not want them there. A video of the attack shows the man saying: ‘Racists like me don't kill good people. Racists like me.’
He adds: ‘Madam, terrorists are Muslims and all Muslims are terrorists. Analyse my words, you'll see that they're right.’
The women remain calm, and distance France’s five million plus Muslim community from attacks in which men affiliated to terrorist organisations such as ISIS have killed and maimed.
But the Cenacle owner continued: ‘I'm living in a secular country and this is my opinion.’
But the Cenacle owner continued: ‘I'm living in a secular country and this is my opinion.’
After the man shouted ‘It seems like you didn't understand. Now get out!’ the crying women make phone calls and leave.
Another customer sitting nearby recorded the whole conversation on his phone, and it is now the subject of widespread public debate.
Laurence Rossignol, the Women’s Rights minister, said she had ordered a full enquiry by the Inter-ministerial Delegation into Racism and anti-Semitism (DILCRA.
Ms Rossignol called for sanctions against the ‘the unacceptable behavior of this restaurant owner.’
Police in nearby Villepinte meanwhile confirmed that their officers had attended the scene, and were also investigating.
Today the restaurant owner – who has not been named – said he regretted what happened, but had got caught up in the fiery debate surrounding the so-called ‘burkini ban’.- Daily Mail reports.
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