Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wonderful Potion Of Celery – Melt Kidney Stones, Removes Cholesterol And Helps Digestion

Wonderful Potion Of Celery
Juice of celery stalks is full of nutrients and is one of the healthiest fluids you may enter into the body. Therefore, balances the pH of the body, which is due to industrially processed foods often acidified. See what all cures.Celery leaves are rich in vitamin A, while the stem is an excellent source of vitamins (B1, B2,
B6 and C), they are full of potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and essential amino acids. There are also plant hormones and valuable essential oils that give to celery specific smell. This oil positively acts on the nervous system and calms.It is interesting that the celery is rich in sodium, which is different from salt that we normally use in the kitchen. Specifically, the kitchen salt consist insoluble inorganic compounds that lead to the development of varicose veins, artery damage and other diseases. On the other hand, the sodium from celery is soluble in water, and then the body can better use and maintain the moisturizing cells.

Numerous Benefits Of Celery Juice

For celery is known that contain at least eight kinds of anti-cancer compounds. Research at the University of New Jersey Ruflutgers found that celery contains a number of ingredients that prevent the spread of cancer, such as acetylenic and folic acid. Coumarin is another phytochemical that prevents the detrimental effects of free radicals and thus serves to prevent the development of cancer of the colon and stomach.

Lowers Cholesterol

Laboratory studies have shown that butyl phthalide, a chemical compound of celery, can help to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. According to the researchers from the University of Chicago, celery reduces cholesterol levels by as much as seven times and if you eat only two stems per day. Celery also helps in the excretion of bile acids which removes cholesterol from the body.

Help With Digestion

Special nutrients from fiber of celery help to the bowel movements. This celery seems natural laxative that helps to get rid of the prison. It helps to relax the nerves and exhausted pharmaceutical laxatives.


Potassium and sodium in celery juice are powerful regulators that stimulate the production of urine and also help to release the excess fluid of body.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Celery helps to reduce high blood pressure. Studies show that drinking celery juice daily for seven days can significantly help to reduce blood pressure. Compounds called phthalide help to relax the muscles around the blood vessels, expanding them and allow to easier blood flow. Phthalide reduce the level of stress hormones, which, among other things, cause constriction of blood vessels. Amazingly, celery doesn’t lower the low pressure.


Minerals and essential oils in celery juice have a calming effect on the nervous system, which is useful for those who suffered from insomnia. High levels of magnesium will help you to relax and fall into the restful sleep.

Weight Loss

Drinking celery juice during the day helps to curb the desire for sweets. Fill your stomach, but not caloric intake.

Elimination And Prevention of Occurrence Of Stones

Celery juice is amazing eliminator of toxins from the body and thus helps to break up and expel urinary stones and gallstones.

Healthy Sex Drive

Celery juice will be of benefit to those who suffer from poor sex drive, but at the same time don’t cause cravings, as is the case with some pharmaceuticals. Celery balances system. Celery can be freely mixed with other fruit and vegetable juices such as carrot juice, apple or cucumber.

Health Beckon

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