Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Inspirational Quote

No retreat and no surrender. Life is hard at times and it can be aggressive. Step back, breathe and say "I got this". There is no stopping you. Yes there will be bruises of pain, disappointment and setbacks. Hang in there because eventually the bruises of life will turn into scars of survival. Stay in it to win it.
Rely upon your goal and vision of what is beyond the horizon of doubts. Never quit on yourself or your

dreams. Victor Frankl in the book A Man's Search for Meaning survived the concentration camps by having his "why for living". Nietzsche the German philosopher said that "If you have a why for living you can endure almost anyhow". No retreating on the challenges of life. No surrendering to the trickster of fear. Concentrate and get beyond the concentration camps of failure and pity. You have survived and will thrive. I believe in you. Adrian Starks

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