Monday, April 18, 2016

Francis gave us a new life': Syrian refugees taken in by Vatican

Syrian refugees taken in by Pope Francis following his visit to the Greek island of Lesbos hailed the pontiff as a "saviour" for offering them a new life. In a hugely symbolic move seen as a lesson in solidarity for Europe, Francis, who is himself the son of Italian migrants in Argentina, on Saturday took 12 Syrians
from three families -- all Muslims -- home with him from Lesbos to the Vatican.
"All refugees are children of God," the 79-year-old pope said on the flight back to Rome referring to their religion, adding that though his gesture was "a drop in the ocean" he hoped "the ocean will never be the same again".
The three families, who had initially set their sights on reaching Germany or another European country, are now expected to seek asylum in Italy.
Over 1.1 million people have crossed clandestinely from Turkey to Greece since the start of 2015, with hundreds drowning en route.
Many of them are Syrians, fleeing the horrors of war.
Arrivals in Greece have drastically fallen over the past weeks after Turkey agreed to take back all people who have been denied asylum in return for billions in EU cash and other concessions. Human rights groups have assailed the arrangement.
- 'I saw such suffering' -
In an emotional address to worshippers who gathered for his weekly Angelus prayers in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis recounted his visit to the migrant centre in Lesbos, accompanied by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens.
"I saw such suffering," he said, visibly moved.
The Roman Catholic leader then went on to tell of one particular case, "that of a young man, who was not even 40."
"I met him yesterday with his two sons. He was Muslim and told me he had married a Christian, (and that) they loved and respected each other."
But the woman fell victim to Islamist radicals, he said.
"She had her throat slit by terrorists because she would not renounce Christ and abandon her faith," said Francis, calling her a "martyr".
As for her grieving spouse, he said sorrowfully, "this man was crying so much." -AFP

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