Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Crane driver found guilty of beheading estranged wife and trying to flush her head down toilet

Judith Nibbs
A crane driver who cut off his estranged wife's head with a kitchen knife and tried to flush it down the toilet is facing a life sentence. Dempsey Nibbs, 69, was today found guilty of beheading his partner of 30 years, Judith, 60, after she told him she had been having sex with at least eight other men. Enraged Nibbs battered
her over the head with an iron bar for ruining his plans to retire by the sea and could have still been alive when he beheaded her, a court was told.
The Old Bailey was told that when he realised the head was took big to flush away, he broke his wife's skull with a hammer, but succeeded only in blocking the lavatory pan.
Afterwards, he wrote a note to his 30-year-old son Kirk and called 999 to say police would find two bodies at the flat in Shoreditch, east London.
 Police and forensic officers at the scene in Vince Court, Old Street, London
A police officer broke down the door when he saw Mrs Nibbs' headless body through the letterbox and bravely grappled a shotgun and knife from Nibbs as he attempted to stab himself in the bathroom.
He admitted killing his wife but denied murder despite having no mental health issues.
Nibbs showed no emotion as a jury today found him guilty of the charge and he will be sentenced on a date to be fixed.
Problems began when Nibbs began drinking heavily after his cancer diagnosis. By early 2014, the couple's relationship had soured and Nibbs was suspicious his common law wife was seeing someone else.
Nibbs had moved into the spare room and an 'undercurrent of violence emerged' as the relationship fell apart. His partner told her sister he had grabbed her by the throat and threatened to kill her.
She went on a road trip across Europe with a neighbour in 2013 and stayed at his family home in Morocco, although the neighbour denied there was anything sexual between them.
 Police stand guard where 60 year old Judith Nibbs, a 'Meals on Wheels' volunteer was allegedly murdered by her estranged husband
His wife had told Nibbs she was visiting Europe with old schoolfriends and then refused to show him any photos of the trip.
In early March he opened his own bank account after discovering she had transferred £20,000 out of their joint account into her account in May 2012. In late March, while Judith was visiting her sister in Preston, he asked their son Kirk to investigate her computer for evidence she was having an affair. Skype chat logs revealed she had showed pictures of her breasts to a man named 'Khalid' during regular chats from November 2013 to 28 March 2014. In one chat Khalid showed her his penis Mrs Nibbs replied that it was 'impressive and beautiful'.
Then on 7 April 2014 she boasted about seeing other men and taunted him: 'I have had sex eight times.' Before she left work at the Hackney Council-run meal delivery service the following day, Mrs Nibbs said: "If I'm not in Friday, I might be dead." Three days later Nibbs said he confronted his wife in the front room of their home. He said a row started when she asked: "What do you want" in what he described as "an aggressive manner."
Nibbs said he had armed himself with a metal bar in case there was a struggle because his illness had left him too frail to defend himself.
"When I confront her I wouldn't let her get the better of me."
Nibbs claimed he took a heavy metal bar with him "to get her attention, like a threat."
He added: "I went up to her, she said 'What do you want?' and I hit her.
"I just tapped her on the head, I tapped her to get her attention."
Nibbs claimed that his wife then lunged for his stomach area and yanked on his colostomy bag.
He said he put the metal bar in her mouth to stop her screaming so they didn't disturb the neighbours.
The tussle ended with them falling to the floor, the court heard.

Nibbs said: "She started to scream again so I had to put the bar in again to stop her screaming.
"All of a sudden she just let go and I took the bar out of her mouth.
"Her eyes rolled over in her head and she was dead."
Nibbs said he shouted at his partner's body calling her a 'f*****g traitor' and a 'f*****g snake' for ruining his plans to retire to Hastings.
"I said: 'I'll cut your head off.'
"She led me to believe that everything was fine. She went back on her word.
"I was going to cut her head off but I didn't want to do it in the living room.
"It was the mess. I suppose I didn't want it to be messy."
The jury sat ashen faced as Nibbs calmy recalled how he said he dragged his wife into the hallway and laid her on a tarpaulin bag.There was less clutter in the hallway and you could move freely," he explained.
"That's when I started to cut her head off. I used a knife. The knife was in the kitchen," said softly-spoken Nibbs.
"To be honest with you, if the toilet was big enough it was in my mind to take the head and flush it down the toilet.
"It wasn't big enough. That's why I had to smash it up."
He said he got some rags, an old pair of trousers and a cushion and put it over the head.
"I smashed it a number of times with the bar. But the bar didn't have much effect," he said.
"I went into the cupboard and got the lump hammer. I hit it once with the hammer and the head split open."
Asked why he had put the cushion and rags over his wife's head he said: "I didn't want to make a noise.
"I had people to the left and right and above me and I didn't want to disturb them.
"One shot with the hammer and her head just split open."
He added: "I took the bits to the toilet. I flushed it down the toilet.
"The toilet was blocked. All the bits and pieces came out the toilet."
Nibbs said he scooped up the pieces, put them in a bag and placed them next to his wife's body.
He said he intended to kill himself and got in a bath with a shotgun after calling the police.
But the gun misfired and he was stabbing himself in the chest when the police arrived.
Prosecutor Crispin Aylett, QC, said: "Quite why the defendant decapitated Judith and then disposed of her head is not entirely clear but it may well be that he did it out of pure hatred at the sight of his wife's face."
Nibbs, of Shoreditch, east London, denied murder.- Mirror

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