Monday, April 18, 2016

90-Year-Old Woman Pregnant After Years Of Praying.

Margaret Allen has raised 14 kids of her own, but none has given her a grandchild she so desperately wants. I’m not sure why my own kids won’t breed. Shame on them,” Allen told “But God always answers my prayers and though, at my age, the so called “doctors” say I can’t get knocked up, they is wrong. I pray hard enough, God will let me give
birth to a grandchild. I mean, my own child, that I will treat like a grandchild.” Margaret Allen got up every morning at 3 A.M. and would pray fourteen hours straight for God to put a baby inside her. Once she is finished, the octogenarian typically eats a few TV dinners and then spends the rest of the night in bed “mating with” a 22-year-old man she has chosen to be the father.

She is so dedicated, like professional athlete-level dedicated,” Margaret’s friend Angie Dickson, a fellow congregation member at Bible Baptist Church, said. “When she sets a goal in her head, she don’t stop till she succeeds. Last year she spent two weeks praying my IBS away. She stopped a terrorist attack on our town. She even prayed for some homosexual men to get out of town and they did, eventually. She is truly a miracle worker. God will give her a baby.”

Allen’s children declined comment, except her eldest son:

Sure enough after years of praying Margaret is now officially 5 months pregnant. She plans to name the child “Miracle” because as she says that’s what she is a Miracle.

Source: modernandhealthylife

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