Wednesday, April 13, 2016

10 Inexpensive Beauty Remedies Every Girl Should Know

The market is flooded with such products to lure females to try them. However, many of these products are expensive and may not even give you the result you desire. To get a flawless look, it is not necessary to spend a fortune. There are always some miracle natural remedies that promise good results.Along with
natural treatments, it is important to get good sleep, reduce your stress level and get proper nutrition and exercise to keep you looking beautiful from within as well as outside.

Here are inexpensive remedies for 10 beauty problems that every girl should know.

1. Toothpaste For Acne

 toothpaste for acne

2. Sugar Scrub for Chapped Lips

 Sugar Scrub for Chapped Lips

3. Baking Soda For Yellow Teeth

 Baking Soda for Yellow Teeth

4. Baby Powder For Oily Hair

 Baby Powder for Oily Hair

5. Cold Spoon For Puffy Eyes

 Cold Spoon for Puffy Eyes

6. Sugar Wax For Unwanted Facial Hair

 Sugar Wax For Unwanted Facial Hair

7. Egg Whites For Oily Skin

 Egg Whites for Oily Skin

8. Coconut Oil For Extremely Dry Skin

 Coconut Oil For Extremely Dry Skin

9. Baking Soda For Blackheads

 Baking Soda for Blackheads

10. Coconut Oil & Lemon Juice For Dandruff

 coconut oil and lemon juice for dandruff 


Health Beckon

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