Friday, March 18, 2016

If You Smoke More Than 5 Years, This Recipe Will Easily Clear Your Lungs

#1 The Affects Of Smoking 

Your bodies respiratory system is extremely damaged and weakened with each puff of smoke you inhale, making it prone to many diseases. So if you've finally decided to quit puffing, you might want to try these
recipes to get your lungs and body back to perfect health!

#2 The Ingredients 

 You will need:

1 small piece of ginger root
2 tsp turmeric
1 Liter of water = 33.814 us fl.oz.
400 g (14 oz.)garlic (peeled and cut into quarters)
400 grams ( 14 oz.) of sugar (which may be normal, but it is preferably brown sugar)




#3 Boil The Ingredients 

Heat up a pot of water and add your sugar, adding the garlic, ginger and tumeric when it begins to boil.

#4 Consistency Is Key 

Once properly mixed, put it in containers to cool down in the fridge. Taking two tablespoons in the morning and evening (on an empty stomach) will help bring your respiratory system back to life!

Health Tip

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