Monday, March 14, 2016

Four-year-old boy attacked by ritualists: God will pluck out the eyes of those who removed mine

Sadiq was thrown into the world of darkness on January 25, 2016 when two unknown men gouged out his eyes just a stone throw from his family house in Buda. The incident shook the village to its foundations but also changed everything about the family of Mallam Usman Isa also known as Auta.
According to Khadija Usman, Sadiq’s elder sister, Sadiq’s ordeal started with his craving to eat sweets
before going for his Koranic classes. Before she could proceed, Sadiq volunteered to narrate his story the best way he could:  “One day, grandma gave me N10 to go and buy sweets. I went, I saw two men on a motorbike. They were following me and one of them asked me whether there was a road in front and I said no. Later, they promised taking me to where they would get better sweets for me.“Then, they grabbed me and took me away to where I was given injections several times and they removed my eyes,” Sadiq said in fluent Hausa language.

Khadija took over the narration:
She said, “For over 30 minutes grandma didn’t see Sadiq but we were relaxed, thinking that he was out there playing with his friends as usual. But after a while, some of our neighbours came to inform us that they saw Sadiq in a pool of his blood at a dump-site behind the village’s baby-friendly hospital and that his eyes were removed. We all ran there, saw him crying and discovered it was true. Then, we saw that his two eyes were gone.”
Shocked, sad and with every sense of one that has lost a treasure, Sadiq’s grandmother  told  SUNDAY PUNCH that she cried uncontrollably at the incident. Taking solace in God, she said, “I know it was Allah’s wish that such a thing should happen.”
Describing Sadiq as very dear to her heart, the grandmother still wondered what made the men gouge out her grandson’s eyes.
“When the incident occurred, the Emir sponsored Sadiq’s trip to the National Eye Centre in Kaduna. From there, we were referred to the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Shika, where they operated upon the eyes,” a family member said.
Meanwhile, arrangements are in place to fly Sadiq to India.  Sadiq’s elder sister told our correspondent that the gesture was in fulfillment of the Emir’s promise on sponsoring the treatment.
The four-year-old is said to be coping well with his condition. Though blind, family members said Sadiq now recognises them and his friends through their voices.
But Sadiq has a prayer for those that removed his eyes.
“Those who plucked my eyes, will have theirs plucked by God,” he said in Hausa. “Amin,” echoed his family members present.


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