Monday, October 23, 2017

Health Benefit Of Coconut Water

Young coconuts contain water known as coconut water, which is a potent natural beverage with a high medicinal potential.
It is almost free of calories, high in nutrients, like antioxidants, vitamins C and B, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, amino acids, and iron, and has a delicious taste.
The consumption of coconut water boosts the immune system, prevents cancer, fights premature aging, and offers countless other advantages for the body.
Just add it to your smoothie or drink it and enjoy its numerous health benefits, as follows:
Balances pH levels
The excessive intake of processed foods, sugars, and carbs, makes the body acidic, and thus prone to numerous health issues, including cancer. On the other hand, coconut water alkalizes the body and prevents the effects of acidosis.
Regulates blood pressure
This drink provides high amounts of magnesium and potassium which regulate blood pressure and help you control it.
Relieves headaches
Headaches are often a result of dehydration, and coconut water is rich in minerals and electrolytes that hydrate the body.
Regulates blood sugar levels
The high amino acid and fiber content of coconut water lower high blood sugar and prevent diabetes.
A powerful diuretic
Coconut water is a potent diuretic which increases the urine production of urine and alkalizes it. To treat bladder and kidney problems, and fight bacterial infections in them, add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of coconut water and drink 2 cups of the remedy.
Supports heart health
Coconut water is excellent for heart health as it has no fat or cholesterol. It lowers the risk of heart issues and increases the levels of the good (HDL) cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, it boosts blood flow and lowers the risk of atherosclerosis, and heart issues.
The electrolytes in coconut water rehydrate the body and treat vomiting and diarrhea due to dehydration. Moreover, it is high in carbs which will energize the body and keep you fresh.
Slows down the aging process
Coconut water is also loaded with cytokines which slow down the aging process and nourish and hydrate the skin. To prevent the effects of the aging of the skin, mix 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder with a cup of coconut water, apply the mixture on the face, leave it to dry out, and then peel it off.
Relieves hangovers
Nausea and vomiting, the most common symptoms of hangovers, are due to the dehydration caused by alcohol. Yet, coconut water rehydrates the body and prevents the oxidative stress of alcohol.
Promotes weight loss
Coconut water is low in calories and high in bioactive enzymes which help digestion and metabolism, and thus accelerate weight loss. Also, it contains potassium which regulates the sodium levels in the body.

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