Friday, August 12, 2016

Migrant Christians 'are forced to hide crucifixes and Bibles from Muslims or face death threats at asylum centres' claims German politician

An Iranian-born German politician has claimed Christians living in asylum centres in the country are being forced to hide crucifixes and Bibles or face death threats from Muslims.
Mahin Mousapour, a pastor in the Evangelic Free Church, who converted to Christianity more
than 20 years ago, told a press conference that Christians living in migrant accommodation are being constantly persecuted.
She was joined by colleague Erika Steinbach who urged the government to deport migrants who insult or attack Christians.
And the pair criticised the German government for granting Islam 'too much respect'.
According to Breitbart, Ms Mousapour said: 'Toys of Christian children are being destroyed, Christian asylum seekers are told not only to wash their dishes after eating but also that they must clean the entire kitchen as it would otherwise be ‘unclean’.
Many Muslim asylum seekers call all Christians unclean. Church services are held in secret, bibles and crucifixes have to be hidden.'
'We are here in Germany, in a Christian country! We must not allow others to change that.'
Meanwhile Ms Steinbach, claimed that Christians in the temporary accommodation are only given leftovers as meals are catered to Muslim eating schedules.
She called for the system to be overhauled and for breakfast, lunch and dinner to be served as usual.
More than 1 million migrants arrived in Europe last year with many travelling to Germany after Chancellor Angela Merkel said they would be welcome.
Ms Steinbach has been a vocal opponent of Mrs Merkel's 'open door' policy on migrants and urged her to change her stance.
But when the German leader refused, despite heavy losses as regional elections in Germany, Ms Steinbach suggested on Twitter that her government was acting like a 'dictatorship' with its refugee policy. - Daily Mail 

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