Tuesday, August 16, 2016

'Knife-wielding' student is arrested for trying to sneak into Buckingham Palace and threatening to kill the Queen in FOURTH security incident

In the dock: Hang Zhang, 25, is accused of trying to break in to Buckingham Palace last Friday allegedly with a knife hidden in his shoe
A Chinese student allegedly tried to smuggle a knife into Buckingham Palace in his shoe and said he wanted to kill the Queen, a court has heard. Hang Zhang, 25, who is a University of Sheffield student, was arrested
at Her Majesty's London home on Friday - the fourth security alert there in three months.
Her Majesty, pictured in Scotland last month, has suffered four security alerts in three months
Zhang, who told police he he feared Chinese government agents were following him, had a charge of threatening to kill the Queen dropped because of his mental health.
But he still appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court yesterday accused of possessing an offensive weapon. His attempt to sneak into the Palace is the fourth security alert there since May. The Queen is not believed to have been at home.
Last week a drunk man scaled a fence and spent 14 minutes prowling the grounds.
The unnamed suspect from Croydon breached the outer perimeter of the palace at 4.15am by climbing a fence with motion sensors and security wire.
He spent 14 minutes wandering around the gardens before being arrested by royal protection officers who spotted him on CCTV.
A Royal fanatic caught outside Buckingham Palace armed with three knives days before the Queen's birthday will be sentenced later this month.- Daily Mail

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