Sunday, August 14, 2016


If you shun the sun, suffer from milk allergies, or adhere to a strict vegan diet, you may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D controls the calcium and phosphorus absorption, boosts the immune system and it is a nutrient crucial to bone, skin, teeth, muscles and mental health.

The risk of development of bacterial infections, viral infections, heart diseases and multiple sclerosis is lowered by this important vitamin.
Research suggests that vitamin D could play a role in the prevention and treatment of a number of different conditions, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis.
Many people lack this vitamin,  but they do not know that. If you have some of these symptoms, check your vitamin D levels and discover if you are vitamin D deficient.

1. Bones And Muscles Weakness:

As we mentioned above, vitamin D is important for the bones, teeth and muscles. If these body parts are weak, it may be a sign that you lack this vitamin.

2. Sadness And Depression:

Women who lack vitamin D may feel sad or deprived.

3. Sensitivity To Pain:

Chronic pain can be cause by low levels of vitamin D.

4. Gum Disease:

A frequent symptom of vitamin D deficiency is bleeding, reddening and swelling of the gums.

5. High Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure can be caused by not enough intake of vitamin D. It is very important for your heart.

6. Sleepiness And Chronic Fatigue:

If you feel like not having enough energy throughout the day, check your levels of vitamin D.

7. Mood Swings:

The production of serotonin, the hormone that has an effect on our mood is affected by the presence of vitamin D.

8. Low Physical Endurance:

If athletes lack vitamin D, they will not have enough energy, including low performance.

9. Obesity Or Being Overweight:

Vitamin D is collected in the fat cells of the body. This is why obese or overweight people need more vitamin D.

10. Gut Problems:

People dealing with celiac, non-celiac, Crohn’s sensitivity to gluten and with bowel diseases can’t absorb fats normally. These people can lack vitamin D.

11. Head Sweating:

Head sweating is an early sign of lacking this vitamin.

12. Allergies:

The occurrence of allergies can be reduced with vitamin D. People who lack this vitamin are more prone to allergies.

So how Can You Get Your D Safely?

Vitamin D And The Sun:

Sun can offer you enough of this vitamin, because it is a sunshine vitamin. Age, season, sunscreen usage, skin color, and time of the day are the factors that decide how much sun exposure the person is needed.
Your skin cannot absorb enough vitamin D if you are using a sunscreen. Try to stay in the sun for 15 minutes without using a sunscreen. If your skin is not prone to skin burns, extend the sun exposure to 30 minutes daily.

Foods Rich In Vitamin D:

The natural form of vitamin D is included in only several food products. But, since many people lack this vitamin, more and more foods are produced with the presence of vitamin D.

Foods With Natural Sources of Vitamin D:

  • Salmon
  • Shrimp
  • Egg yolk
  • Sardines

Food With Enriched Sources of Vitamin D:

  • Orange juice
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cereals
Get enough vitamin K if you are trying to get enough vitamin D. Try to boost this vitamin levels with sun exposure, consuming foods with vitamin D and taking some supplements. If you are going to buy supplements, read carefully the substances contained in them. They can include harmful substances along with the useful vitamin D.

Health Beckon 

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