Wednesday, July 27, 2016

ISIS claim suicide bombing in Syria that kills 48 people including women and children

ISIS have claimed responsibility for a today's suicide bombings in Syria that killed 44 people in al-Qamishli in the north of the country
ISIS have claimed responsibility for a today's massive suicide bombings in Syria that killed 48 people. Among the victims were women and children at a Kurdish security facility in al-Qamishli in the country's north less than a mile from the Turkish border.
 In a twin bombing, first a truck packed with explosives was detonated followed by a motorcycle carrying the same deadly weapons blew up a few minutes later
Kurdish officials said the attack was carried out by a terrorist driving an explosives-laden truck and the explosion was so powerful it shattered windows in a Turkish town a mile away.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor gave a toll of 48 dead, adding that children and women were among those killed.
 The blasts caused massive damage in the area and that rescue teams are working to recover victims from under the rubble
It was the largest and deadliest attack to hit the city since the beginning of Syria's conflict in March 2011. 
The Islamic State group claimed the attack in a statement circulated on social media, calling it 'a response to the crimes committed by the crusader coalition aircraft' in the town of Manbij, a bastion of the jihadist group in Syria's Aleppo province.- Daily Mail

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