Thursday, July 28, 2016

An elephant hurls a ROCK at a 7years old girl while she was having her picture taken in front of its enclosure

This is the heartbreaking moment a schoolgirl lies dying at a zoo after being struck on the head in a freak accident by a rock hurled at her by an elephant. The seven-year-old was having a picture outside its enclosure with her family when the tragedy happened at the zoo in the Moroccan capital Rabat.

The female elephant, named Assia, picked up the large stone in its trunk and threw it into the air, hitting her on the back of the head. The youngster was knocked unconscious and died in a nearby hospital after failing to overcome her injuries.
Footage taken by a bystander on a mobile phone and posted on social media showed the girl lying on the ground being tended to by staff as her anguished family gathered round her.
The onlooker also videoed the huge stone that caused the unnamed girl's death.
Local reports said the girl's dad had lifted her up on his shoulders outside the elephant enclosure so her mum could take a snap of the two of them with their back to the animals when she was struck.
A zoo spokesman offered his condolences to the girl's family but said there had been no security breaches and she had not crossed into a protective area outside the enclosure.
He insisted: 'Accidents of this type are rare, unforeseeable and unusual.
'Accidents of this nature happened in international zoos, most recently in Disney World Orlando and the Cincinnati Zoo in the United States.' 
Social media users said the ambulance took ages to arrive and said the zoo should have its own ambulance station. 
One said: 'How is it possible that the place receives a large number of visitors but there is no ambulance station.' 
The tragedy, which happened around 1pm local time on Tuesday, was the first of its kind since the zoo opened in 2012.
One fan who visited soon after it opened said on TripAdvisor: 'You forget what country you are in when you arrive at the new zoo in Rabat, Morocco.
'It is a world-class zoo and family friendly.
'You can easily navigate a baby stroller throughout the zoo.
'What is impressive is the large space and open feel.' Another added: 'We loved the zoo, especially the children but there was a lack of staff.' - Daily Mail 

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